

Grants for the publication of monographs based on research supported by the Carlsberg Foundation.


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Project related


The Carlsberg Foundation supports the publication of monographs based on projects funded by foundation. The manuscript must be print-ready when the application is submitted but should not be attached.


The applicant must be at least at postdoctoral level.

The applicant must be a former or current Carlsberg Foundation grant holder, employed at a Danish research institution. 

Applicants who previously have received a rejection from the Executive Management of the Foundation for this type of grant are only eligible to re-apply after a three-month period from receipt of the rejection letter.


The Carlsberg Foundation only provides support for expenses directly related to the publication. 

It is a requirement, that the monograph is based on projects and research funded by the foundation.

CALL OPEN Applications must be submitted at least three months prior to the proposed starting date.
The guidelines have been updated January 2025

Application requirements

The application must be submitted through the application system CF-Grant

The application must be written in English.

Applications that do not meet the specified requirements will not be considered and will result in an administrative rejection.

Submitting documents other than those specified below will also result in an administrative rejection.

Choosing the wrong type of grant in CF-Grant will likewise result in an administrative rejection.

The documents must be uploaded in PDF format.

Required documents to be attached to the application form:

  • Project description
  • Budget
  • Curriculum vitae
  • List of publications of the applicant
  • Printing quotes and estimate from the publisher

Project description

The project description must be written using Times New Roman, font size 12, margins on the left, right, top and bottom of at least 2 cm and line spacing of 1.5. 

The project description must not exceed two A4 pages (including figures, tables, etc., but excluding references). Any references or bibliography must be added in direct continuation of the project description.


The budget must be uploaded using the Carlsberg Foundation budget template and must be finalised before upload.

Curriculum vitae

The CV of the applicant must not exceed two A4 pages. Please do not include photo, home address, family information, CPR no., date of birth, or gender.

List of publications of the applicant

If the applicant is at postdoctoral or assistant professor level, the following applies:

  • The list of publications must only include publications that have been submitted, published or accepted. It must be clearly stated which publications are peer-reviewed, and which are not. The PhD thesis of the applicant must not be included.

  • The name of the applicant must be in bold font and the order of authors must be exactly as listed in the original publication. All co-authors must be stated. If, however, the number of authors exceeds ten, it will be sufficient to list the first ten as well as the corresponding author(s).

If the applicant is at associate professor/senior researcher or professor level, the following applies:

  • The list of publications must first contain a brief summary of the bibliometry of the applicant including links to relevant bibliometric profiles (Google Scholar, Web of Science, Scopus, etc.).

  • Next the applicant must include a list of the ten peer-reviewed publications most relevant to the application and representative of their research career, with a few sentences to explain the relevance of each publication. All authors must be listed.

  • If this is not possible due to space limitations, it will be sufficient to list the first ten authors and the corresponding author(s).

The list of publications must not exceed two A4 pages in total.

Printing quotes and estimate from the publisher

Two printing quotes and one estimate from the publisher must be uploaded.

Popularised scientific description

Applicants are also required to complete a popularised scientific description in the CF-Grant application system (up to 400 characters) in relation to their applications. 

This description will be published on the foundation’s website should the application be successful.


Download budget template




Please note: The foundation reserves the right to make adjustments to the guidelines.

The Carlsberg Foundation cannot offer individual guidance on projects or elements of projects before the application deadline.


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