Press & Press Photos
At the Carlsberg Foundation, we value good relations with journalists and the media and appreciate your interest in our activities. Please contact editor and press advisor Jane Benarroch if you have any questions: Telephone +45 31640010 | Email

About The Carlsberg Foundation
The Carlsberg Foundation’s history goes back to 1876, when the founder of Carlsberg, brewer J.C. Jacobsen, by means of a deed of gift, donated DKK 1 million as capital for the establishment of the foundation.
Since then, the foundation’s primary objects have been to ensure value creation in Carlsberg A/S through our long-term, active ownership and to grant funding for philanthropic purposes as provided for in the foundation’s charter, including funding for Danish basic research within natural sciences, humanities and social sciences.
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- of the Carlsberg Foundation Chair Majken Schultz
Majken Schultz. Photo credit: Christian Als
Majken Schultz. Photo credit: Sofia Busk
Majken Schultz. Photo credit: Lars Gundersen
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- of the Carlsberg Foundation Director Lasse Horne Kjældgaard
Lasse Horne Kjældgaard. Photo credit: Lars Svankjær
Lasse Horne Kjældgaard. Photo credit: Lars Svankjær
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- of the Carlsberg Foundation's headquarter
The Carlsberg Foundation's headquarter. Photo credit: Lars Svankjær
The Carlsberg Foundation's headquarter. Photo credit: Lars Svankjær
The Carlsberg Foundation's headquarter. Photo credit: Ana Cecilla Gonzalez
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- of the founder of the Carlsberg Foundation brewer J.C. Jacobsen
Brewer J.C. Jacobsen
Brewer J.C. Jacobsen. Around 1860
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