Urgent research projects


Urgent research support


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Project related


Through its urgent research projects the Carlsberg Foundation wishes to support urgent applications that, due to the nature of the projects proposed, cannot wait for the foundation’s next autumn call nor could have been applied for in the most recent autumn call.

Urgent applications can only be drawn up on the basis of a pre-authorisation of the urgency factor, which must be scientifically backed up by extremely special, external and unpredictable events.

The urgent research projects are aimed at funding activities where exceptional and unpredictable events have led to a need for projects that fall within the foundation’s areas of support. As such, proposals must be basic research within the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities where an urgent need for funding has arisen. 

The following prerequisites apply:

  • The proposed activities for which the grant will be used cannot have been foreseen as relevant at the time of deadline for the previous autumn call nor that they would be relevant before the next autumn call deadline. 
  • In all probability the research questions to be addressed will have changed so substantially at the time of deadline for the next autumn call, as to render a grant at that time redundant. Specifically, the applicant must address why this research cannot be carried out, for example, three months later.
  • The research carried out must have a significant importance for Danish research in general. 

All three prerequisites must be explicitly addressed in the application.

Examples of what could be applied for include urgent basic research to address key knowledge gaps into particularly acute societal challenges such as emerging infectious diseases, critical political instability or environmental catastrophes. 

Examples of what will not be supported include, applications for the purchase of equipment that is available at a highly discounted price on a temporary basis or research into political/societal/environmental developments that were foreseeable at the time of the previous ordinary call or that could be proposed at the next autumn call deadline without substantially diminished scientific value.

The foundation expects to grant very few applications of this type each year. 


The applicant must be a tenured associate professor/senior researcher or professor, employed at a Danish research institution.


There is no maximum amount that can be applied for. Grants for this funding instrument are designed to be flexible and may be used to cover expenses that are relevant and necessary for completing the activity. Applications should align with the current types of grants offered by the foundation.  

The guidelines have been updated October 2024

Application requirements

The application must be submitted through the CF-Grant application system.

Please note that failure to comply with the following requirements will result in an administrative rejection of the application.

The application must be written in English.

Assessment of applications for this funding instrument follow a two-step process. 

First, the applicant submits an expression of interest. If successful, the applicant is invited to submit a full application. 

Expression of interest

The following appendices, and only these, must be uploaded with the application in PDF format (please note that other formats are not accepted):

  • Project description
  • Curriculum vitae

Project description

The project description must be written using Times New Roman, font size 12, margins on the left, right, top and bottom of at least 2 cm and line spacing of 1.5. 

The project description must not exceed one A4 page (including figures, tables, etc., but excluding references). Any references or bibliography must be added in direct continuation of the project description.

The project description must include details of how the proposal is aligned with the unique nature of this call and fulfils the three prerequisites outlined above. 

Furthermore, the project description must include an estimated budget for the total amount applied for. 

Curriculum vitae

The CV of the applicant must not exceed two A4 pages. Please do not include photo, home address, family information, CPR no., date of birth, or gender.

Full application

If the expression of interest is approved, the applicant is invited to submit a full application on a link sent to the applicant.

The following appendices, and only these, must be uploaded with the application in PDF format (please note that other formats are not accepted):

  • Project description
  • Budget
  • Curriculum vitae
  • List of publications of the applicant

Project description

The project description must be written using Times New Roman, font size 12, margins on the left, right, top and bottom of at least 2 cm and line spacing of 1.5.

The project description must not exceed two A4 pages (including figures, tables, etc., but excluding references). Any references or bibliography must be added in direct continuation of the project description.

The project description must include details of how the proposal is aligned with the unique nature of this call and fulfils the three prerequisites outlined above.


An itemised budget for the amount applied for must be uploaded using the Carlsberg Foundation's budget template.

Curriculum vitae

The CV of the applicant must not exceed two A4 pages. Please do not include photo, home address, family information, CPR no., date of birth, or gender.

List of publications of the applicant

The list of publications must first contain a brief summary of the bibliometry of the applicant including links to relevant bibliometric profiles (Google Scholar, Web of Science, Scopus, etc.).

Next the applicant must include a list of the ten peer-reviewed publications most relevant to the application and representative of their research career, with a few sentences to explain the relevance of each publication. All authors must be listed. 

If this is not possible due to space limitations, it will be sufficient to list the first ten authors and the corresponding author(s).

The list of publications must not exceed two A4 pages in total.

Popularised scientific description

Applicants are also required to submit a popularised scientific description in the CF-Grant (application system).

The description must address What, Why, How, up to 400 characters each. This description will be published on the foundation’s website should the application be successful.


Download budget template




Please note: The foundation reserves the right to make adjustments to the guidelines.

The Carlsberg Foundation cannot offer individual guidance on projects or elements of projects before the application deadline.


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