Assessment criteria Semper Ardens



Applications for the Semper Ardens funding instruments are assessed by international external reviewers and subsequently by the Board of the Carlsberg Foundation, according to the following criteria:


1. Ground-breaking nature and potential impact of the research project

  • To what extent does the project address important challenges within its field?
  • To what extent are the project's objectives original and ambitious, surpassing current state-of-the-art, e.g., with novel concepts or interdisciplinary approaches?
  • How significant is the potential broader impact of the research?

2. Scientific approach of the project

  • How feasible is the proposed scientific approach?
  • To what extent is the research methodology innovative and appropriate for achieving the goals of the project?
  • Are the proposed timeline, resources, and commitment of the applicant adequate and well justified?

3. Intellectual capacity, creativity and leadership skills of the applicant

  • To what extent has the applicant demonstrated creativity, original thinking, and the ability to conduct high-impact research at the highest international level, considering their career stage?
  • Does the applicant possess the necessary scientific expertise and resources to successfully execute the proposed project?
  • To what extent has the applicant demonstrated adequate leadership and mentoring skills?

The Board


  • Is there a clear and relevant research question?
  • Is the application accessible to non-experts?

Funding instrument

  • Does the project adequately meet the purpose of the funding instrument?

Research contribution

Originality and breakthroughs

  • Is the project original?
  • Does the project present a potential scientific breakthrough in the field?

Quality of approach

  • Is the approach of high quality?
  • Is the approach ground-breaking?
  • Is the approach internationally competitive?


  • Is the methodology relevant?
  • Is the project plan realistic?
  • Are there significant risk factors that may prevent project execution?

Qualifications of the applicant

  • Has the applicant obtained excellent results compared to career level?
  • Has the applicant demonstrated an ability to carry out innovative research?
  • Has the applicant succeeded in defining and developing the field?
  • Where funding for scientific staff is included. Has the applicant demonstrated leadership, supervision, and mentoring skills (e.g., research group, international collaboration, leadership course)?