From lectures to festivals: 23 science communication projects receive millions
Today, the Carlsberg Foundation is awarding millions in grants to a range of new science communication activities that will bring research and science to a broad Danish public. A total of DKK 24.7 million is being allocated to 23 projects.
The 23 science communication activities will take the form of everything from podcasts to festivals, exhibitions to films – and will be freely accessible to all interested parties. In the near future, for example, you will be able to listen to the podcast series “The hunt for consciousness” (“Jagten på bevidstheden”) and “The cradle of culture” (“Kulturens vugge”), enjoy the festival “The evolving universe in our eyes of imagination” and follow the digital media production “Antiquity for ever?” (“Oldtid for altid?”).
Through the Science Communication instrument, DKK 23.3 million is being allocated to 14 major science communication activities organised and implemented by professional communicators. Through the Carlsberg Mindelegat DKK 1.4 million is being allocated to nine projects run by researchers at Danish universities and research institutions.
The grants have been awarded in open competition following the Science Communication and Carlsberg Mindelegat calls for applications announced in December last year.
In total, the Carlsberg Foundation received 141 applications in response to the Science Communication call and 27 applications in response to the Carlsberg Mindelegat call.
Engaging science
The grants for the many new science communication initiatives are part of the Carlsberg Foundation’s ambition to support the communication of science topics to a wide audience in order to strengthen the position of science in society and in the public conversation and debate.
At the same time, the grants reflect the foundation’s aspiration to contribute to the forging of collaborations between researchers and professional communicators, and to support researchers in communicating their own research to a non-scientific audience.
Projects supported through the Science Communication instrument are eligible for a maximum of DKK 3 million, while for projects supported through Carlsberg Mindelegat the maximum is DKK 200,000.
The instruments are both open for applications twice a year, with deadlines on 1 September and 1 March respectively.
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