Greener Fields for Safer Plates: Sustainable Pesticide Solutions (SAFEPLATE)

Name of applicant

Julia Bronnmann


Associate Professor


University of Southern Denmark


DKK 4,988,000



Type of grant

Semper Ardens: Accelerate


Our research project is a comprehensive exploration of the use of pesticides in Danish agriculture. We are delving into the world of these chemicals, seeking to understand how farmers view them, and assessing consumers' willingness to support more sustainable farming practices.


Pesticides are like double-edged swords. They help crops grow and ensure we have affordable food, but they can also harm the environment and potentially our health. Striking the right balance between farming's needs, consumer's demand and preserving nature is what we are aiming for.


Our research encompasses three phases: analyzing consumer preferences, investigating farmers' perspectives on pesticide use, and employing computational models to anticipate the effects of reduced pesticide use on food pricing. Our aim is to harmonize sustainable agriculture with affordable food accessibility.

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