Dansk Historikermøde 2020

Name of applicant

Steen Bo Frandsen


University of Southern Denmark


DKK 15,000



Type of grant



Dansk Historikermøde is a biannual conference that provides Danish historians a chance to present their own research and discuss research perspectives with their colleagues. In 2020 the venue will be the University of Southern Denmark campus at Alsion in Sønderborg. It is the centenary of the present Danish-German border, and borders will have a prominent position throughout the programme. Papers will deal with how borders are constructed, moved or overcome by cross-border cooperation. Borders are of course not just dividing states, but they are present in many aspects of society - and this is actually reflected in historic research. The conference will have two invited keynote speakers - the German historian professor Jörg Leonhard (Freiburg) and professor Ulinka Rublack (Cambridge).

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