Field work quantifying runaway-anoxia in past oceans

Name of applicant

Tais W. Dahl


University of Copenhagen


DKK 113,819



Type of grant

Field Trips / Research Stays >100,000


We know that the open ocean has lost 2% of its oxygen (O2) in the past 50 years and that the loss of oceanic oxygen was a potent kill mechanism during the most devastating mass extinctions in Earth history. Some Earth system models also predict that deoxygenation can pass a tipping point beyond which marine O2 loss self-propel (without further forcing) into a state where marine animal life suffocate. The Cambrian SPICE event in provides an opportunity to explore this tipping point, and is best recorded in thick marine carbonate deposits in Siberia. This project will finnce field work aimed at bringing back geologicall samples and geochemical data to constrain the rate of expansive anoxic water masses and, thereby, quantifying a dangerous runaway feedback on marine anoxia.

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