Tools for High-Throughput Screening of Hybrid Quantum Devices
Name of applicant
Ferdinand Kuemmeth
University of Copenhagen
DKK 4,500,000
Type of grant
Research Infrastructure
Shared research facilities constitute the meeting point of diverse minds. At the Niels Bohr Institute (NBI), condensed-matter researchers in materials growth, nanofabrication, and quantum device engineering work with industrial partners (Microsoft Quantum, QDevil ApS, Sparrow Quantum) to develop tomorrow's quantum platforms. This project enables a shared cryogenic screening setup capable of characterizing a wide variety of quantum devices down to low temperatures (0.1 kelvin). The infrastructure acquired will include a state-of-the-art low-temperature cryostat for multi-channel low- and high-frequency electrical measurements. The aim is to enable rapid, high-throughput, low-temperature characterization, a roadblock for quantum researchers.
The synthesis of dissimilar materials, such as metallic superconductors matched to semiconductors, has led to hybrid devices with hitherto unseen quantum properties, enabling the exploration of fundamental condensed matter physics and the creation of complex devices for quantum-technology applications. Hybrid devices exhibit high-frequency behaviour accessible only at sub-kelvin temperatures. A tremendous productivity increase will be gained for solid-state phycisists by having access to rapid cryogenic characterization of newly synthesized quantum materials and freshly patterned (multi-terminal) quantum devices. The shared tool will also benefit the study of fragile, exotic materials that "age" quickly, and generally ignite the creativity of quantum device pioneers in Denmark.
We will commission a cryogenic setup comprising pulse-tube coolers, automatic adiabatic demagnetization coolers, and a vacuum load lock to achieve rapid cycle times for a wide variety of quantum devices down to temperatures as low as 0.1 K. Sample holders will be customized to allow a smooth and safe cycle of samples between critical stages of device development: from fabrication via sample screening to the eventual operation of optimized devices in existing dilution refrigerators (below 0.1 K). Dynamical and time-resolved measurements will be enabled by the acquisition of a multi-channel arbitrary waveform generator and high-frequency coaxial cables compatible with ultra-low temperatures. An integrated magnet will allow application of magnetic fields up to 2 tesla.