Research stay in quantum science labs, Grenoble

Name of applicant

Jesper Nygård


University of Copenhagen


DKK 322,400



Type of grant

Field Trips / Research Stays >100,000


The grant covers an extended research stay in Grenoble, France, hosted by leading institutions in quantum science. The aim is to combine insights from my work on nanoscale superconductors and quantum devices with new materials and techniques available in Grenoble. The city is home to a very strong research environment due to a combination of national labs, joint European research infrastructure and high tech industry.The subject, quantum materials, is a unifying concept in physics, materials science and quantum information, with future prospects in quantum computing, e.g. for biochemistry calculations. The materials are equally important for fundamental research in quantum physics and it will be exciting to blend ideas from Copenhagen with the technological capabilities in Grenoble.

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