Louis Hjelmslev on participative oppositions (Linguaggio, forma, prelogica. La teoria delle correlazioni partecipative di Hjelmslev)

Name of applicant

Lorenzo Cigana


Postdoctoral Fellow


University of Copenhagen


DKK 40,000



Type of grant



Louis Hjelmslev's theory of participative correlations is a quite dense and far-reaching version of the so-called "markedness theory", by which structural linguists like Roman Jakobson and Nicolaj Troubetzkoy intended to describe some odd linguistic phenomena in grammar and phonology. Jakobson's and Troubetzkoy's originally idea was further developed, flowing into American linguistics and becoming progressively more shared (and criticized). Louis Hjelmslev's model had not this fortune. My book reconstructs how Hjelmslev conceived and elaborated his own theory, tapping the entirety of his production as well as unpublished sources and correspondence. Because of dealing with such neglected topic and in this way, my book is a one-of-a-kind work in linguistic and epistemological research.

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