Arctic Ocean Gateways: Taking the pulse of Arctic change

Name of applicant

Colin Andrew Stedmon




Technical University of Denmark


DKK 91,200



Type of grant

Field Trips / Research Stays < 100,000


The Arctic Ocean is experiencing rapid change. Ocean currents are bringing more heat and salt northwards, the supply of freshwater from rivers and sea ice melt is increasing, and the marine ecosystem is responding to these changes in physical and chemical conditions. The Arctic ocean is a remote and harsh environment making it challenging to study. However it is also an ocean with restricted inflows and outflows, and much of what is happening "upstream" can be deduced from observations at these major oceanic gateways. This funding will support Danish participation on two international oceanographic research cruises: one across the Davis Strait between Canada and Greenland, and another across the Fram Strait between Greenland and Svalbard.

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