Northeast Greenland: Unlocking records from sea to land

Name of applicant

Lara Perez


Senior Researcher


Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland - GEUS


DKK 60,000



Type of grant



The NorthGreen conference 'Northeast Greenland: Unlocking records from sea to land' will gather international experts on Greenland evolution, with particular focus on ice sheet dynamics and climatic implications. Ice mass lost in the modern ice sheets and the impact in global climate are among the highest priority issues confronted by climate change science. With the risk of ⁓7.5 m contribution to sea level rise, melting of the Greenland ice sheet plays a key role in future sea level projections. The expected output of NorthGreen is to develop a strategy for the further study and research of the Northeast Greenland margins and the surrounding Arctic Ocean which contain information for our understanding of the ongoing trend of global warming and its implications for society.

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