Open World Conference 2022: Open Science and Global Dangers

Name of applicant

John Renner Hansen




University of Copenhagen


DKK 60,000



Type of grant



Open World Conference 2022, is an interdisciplinary conference about open science and global dangers where we, over the course of two days, discuss the dilemmas of openness in research and research collaboration. Marking the centenary of Niels Bohr’s Nobel Prize in physics, and the United Nations announcing 2022 as the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development, we celebrate Bohr’s vision of an open world and discuss how we, now and in the future, can use openness as a tool towards a safer world. "An open world where each nation can assert itself solely by the extent to which it can contribute to the common culture and is able to help others with experience and resources must be the goal to be put above everything else." Niels Bohr, June 9, 1950

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