China as a High-Capacity Diaspora State: Transformations and New Practices of Chinese Diasporic Media in Europe
Name of applicant
Mette Thunø
Associate Professor
Aarhus University
DKK 99,690
Type of grant
Field Trips / Research Stays < 100,000
The aim of my invited research stay at Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (University of Languages, INALCO), Paris is to undertake a pilot project from early February until early May 2023 with the objective of initiating a new research project: “China as a High-Capacity Diaspora State: Transformations and New Practices of Chinese Diasporic Media in Europe”. As France is the main centre for the Chinese state's diaspora engagement activities through the media house Nouvelles D'Europe (Ouzhou shibao) Paris is an important research site for conducting initial studies to investigate the discursive impact of the Chinese state on Chinese diasporas in Europe. While in Paris, I plan to conduct interviews with editors and conduct surveys with diasporic Chinese media users.