A four-node SONG network: state-of-the art opportunities to study stars and exoplanets

Name of applicant

Hans Kjeldsen




Aarhus University


DKK 2,877,978



Type of grant

Research Infrastructure


The Stellar Observations Network Group (SONG) is a Danish-led project with the goal of constructing and operating a global network of small telescopes. In 2026 we will have four telescopes in operation in USA, Spain, China and Australia. The scientific goals are to use seismic methods (asteroseismology) for the study of stars at a level of detail that can not be reached by other types of observations. With the present proposal we aim to develop the project to include all four nodes and to develop and ensure a streamlined data processing and flow. Using the upgraded SONG network we will be able to characterize exoplanets and their host stars to a much higher degree than is possible now.

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