Inclusive Entrepreneurship: Women and Immigrant Entrepreneurs

Name of applicant

José Mata




Copenhagen Business School


DKK 15,617,068



Type of grant

Semper Ardens: Advance


This project studies inclusive entrepreneurship, focusing in particular in women and immigrant entrepreneurship


Entrepreneurial firms can be a powerful source of job creation, high-quality innovation, productivity, and competitiveness. They can also be a critical driver of upward social mobility, autonomous work, and well-being, and thus help address the grand challenges of our time and achieve the sustainable development goals (SDGs). Understanding what motivates, enables, and hinders successful women and immigrant entrepreneurship is vital for unleashing innovation, fostering inclusive labor markets, and empowering individuals to unlock their entrepreneurial potential and create value for society.


This project uses two complementary approaches. First, we conduct a long-run cross-country study to understand differences in the evolution of entrepreneurship over time and across countries: this helps us compare Denmark with other nations. Second, we dive deeper into the Danish case to study the interplay between individual characteristics and their environment at different stages of the entrepreneurial life cycle.

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