Accessing a unique geological archive for understanding Greenland Ice Sheet evolution
Name of applicant
Lara Perez
Senior Researcher
Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland - GEUS
DKK 200,000
Type of grant
Field Trips / Research Stays >100,000
Climate change and global warming have become popular topics in our everyday life. However, there is much we unknow. One of the key questions is how ice sheets hold in Greenland and Antarctica will respond under the pressuring global warming. Warm periods have occurred before and thus they are registered in the geological records. However, these records are sparse and their study complicated. The International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 400 (IODP400) represents a large international effort to obtain geological records of the Greenland Ice Sheet from 15 million years ago to the present day. Our participation in IODP400 in 2023 will allow us to become part of a coordinated effort to investigate climate change in Greenland and the consequences of the past ice sheet changes.