Entanglements in Refugee and Migration Law: Celebrating forty years of the Nordic Asylum Law Seminar

Name of applicant

William Byrne


Postdoctoral Fellow


University of Copenhagen


DKK 59,168



Type of grant



The Nordic Asylum Seminar is the leading international conference for refugee and migration law scholars and practitioners in the Nordic region. This edition, which marks the fortieth anniversary of the seminar, focuses on the significant entanglement, or intersections, of refugee and migration law with other fields of national and international law. The conference will promote constructive dialogue between academics, lawyers, and civil society, and serve as a platform for groundbreaking research on critical issues of international concern, such as the relationship between migrant rights and human rights, the rise of new technologies in migration governance, and the evolution of the global mobility regime in light of recent crises such as the COVID pandemic and Ukrainian displacement.

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