Galectin-3 regulation of electrical remodeling in sinus node dysfunction

Name of applicant

Alicia Lundby




University of Copenhagen


DKK 24,000



Type of grant

Field Trips / Research Stays < 100,000


The rhythmic contraction of our heart is controlled by electrical impulses that travels throughout the cardiac muscle. The signal is generated by the sinus node, which can be thought of as the natural pacemaker of our heart. Heart failure is a global health problem and studies have reported that concomitant sinus node dysfunction is an important predictor of mortality, yet its molecular underpinnings are poorly understood. In our recent work we have identified a pharmacological target that enable us to mitigate sinus node dysfunction in an animal model of heart failure. In the present project we aim to improve our understanding of the detailed molecular build-up of the sinus node, and to investigate the translational perspective of our discovery.

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