56th Seminar for Arabian Studies

Name of applicant

Steffen Terp Laursen


Head of Oriental department, Moesgaard Museum and (Honorary) Associate Professor AU, Archaeology


Moesgaard Museum


DKK 60,000



Type of grant



This year’s Seminar for Arabian Studies is hosted by Moesgaard Museum and Aarhus University, Denmark from Aug. 4-6th, 2023. The International Association for the Study of Arabia (IASA) has granted us hosting this year to mark the important the 70th jubilee of our pioneering – (Carlsberg founded) - Arabian Gulf expeditions (est. 1953-). The conference will gather researchers from all across the globe and cover topics including archaeology, history, epigraphy, languages, literature, art, culture, ethnography, and geography from the beginnings to the present or, in the case of political and social history, to the end of the Ottoman Empire. The proceedings of the conference with be published in June 2024, and a book "Bronze Age Arabia" based on a special session will be published in 2025.

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