Rocks and Humans - Philosophical Anthropology in the Anthropocene

Name of applicant

Thomas Schwarz Wentzer




Aarhus University


DKK 98,762



Type of grant

Field Trips / Research Stays < 100,000


"Wenn Du mich siehst, dann weine" -- "If you see me, weep" reads on a so-called hunger-stone, a boulder at the shores of the Elbe River, in the city of Děčin in today's Czech Republic. The inscription is from 1616. How are we to deal with it today, under the conditions of anthropogenic climate change? -- Climate change urges us to learn how to integrate large scale temporalities into human lifeworlds where we usually think of tomorrow, but not about the next century. Hunger-stones tell us something about inter-generational empathy, vulnerability, responsibility, and climate sensitivity through the centuries. The project will take hunger-stones as temporal objects that undermine the distinction between natural and cultural objets, between geological and human history.

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