Whistleblower scheme



The Carlsberg Foundation aims to act based on principles of responsibility, openness and collaboration, including the facility for employees and partners to speak out about matters that are open to criticism. A whistleblower scheme gives the Carlsberg Foundation the facility to report suspicions of serious irregularities or illegalities in the Carlsberg Foundation or in connection with activities related to the Foundation.

What can be reported?

The whistleblower scheme can be used to report illegal practices such as:

  • Fraud, bribery or corruption
  • Accounting manipulation
  • Misuse of the Carlsberg Foundation’s allocated funding
  • Misuse within the Foundation of capacity to award funding 
  • Offensive behaviour or discrimination in the Carlsberg Foundation’s departments

Less serious matters, such as dissatisfaction with salary conditions, cooperation difficulties and rejection of funding applications, cannot be reported via the whistleblower scheme. 

Where to report and response time

Assuming that you provide your contact details, reports submitted via the whistleblower service will be acknowledged within 24 hours.

Anonymous reporting to an external third party

The whistleblower remains anonymous and the report goes to an external third party (PwC Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab or “PwC”) and not to the Carlsberg Foundation. To facilitate an investigation of the matter, however, we encourage you to provide your contact details. The actual whistleblower report is made through an external website managed by PwC. The Carlsberg Foundation does not have access to this website.

Whistleblower scheme – a last resort

Generally, we recommend that our employees, partners and other external persons use our normal management structure to report any suspicions and concerns.

The whistleblower scheme can be used as an alternative if your suspicion relates to your immediate contact person in the Carlsberg Foundation or if, for other reasons, you feel more comfortable contacting PwC via the whistleblower scheme.

The Carlsberg Foundation will not tolerate any form of reprisal against, or bullying of, whistleblowers. All information will be kept confidential.