

Toårige postdocstipendier til forskning ved danske forskningsinstitutioner i forlængelse af et internationaliseringsstipendium fra Carlsbergfondet eller andet forskningsophold i udlandet.


01.10.2025 - 16:00






Løn- og driftsomkostninger


Reintegration fellowships are two-year postdoctoral fellowships at Danish research institutions for postdoctoral fellows subsequent to an internationalisation fellowship funded by the Carlsberg Foundation or another research stay abroad.


These fellowships are awarded to postdoctoral fellows who wish to undertake research activities in Denmark after a research stay abroad. As a general rule, only applicants who are abroad at the time of the application deadline are eligible to apply for this fellowship. 

Applicants who, at the time of the application deadline, have more than five years’ experience since obtaining their PhD degree are not eligible. 

The exact date on which the PhD degree was obtained must be clearly stated in the CV. The Carlsberg Foundation reserves the right to request additional documentation.

Any periods of leave will be accepted as extensions of this time limit (parental leave, family care leave, illness, military service, etc.).

Reintegration fellowships are only awarded to postdoctoral fellows with a strong connection to Danish research (see FAQ for a definition) and a previous research stay abroad.


The Carlsberg Foundation covers the fellow’s full salary plus operating expenses of DKK 8,000 per month. 

Operating expenses are at the postdoctoral fellow’s disposal to cover conferences, study trips, etc., and cannot be used to cover overhead costs and administration fees, or costs to be covered by the project supplement.

Where there are special operating expenses related to the project, an additional DKK 60,000 can be applied for, provided that the expenses are specified in the budget template. These expenses may include, but are not limited to, laboratory access or procurement of instruments or apparatus.

CALL CLOSED Call opens: 30 June 2025 Deadline: 1 October 2025, 16:00
The guidelines have been updated June 2024

Application requirements

The application must be submitted through the CF-Grant application system.

Please note that failure to comply with the following requirements will result in an administrative rejection of the application. Please ensure that the correct type of grant is chosen in CF-Grant. Applying for the wrong type of grant will also result in an administrative rejection.

The application must be written in English.

The following appendices, and only these, must be uploaded with the application in PDF format (please note that other formats are not accepted):

  • Project description
  • Budget
  • Curriculum vitae
  • List of publications of the applicant
  • Housing commitment from the host institution
  • Recommendations

Project description

The project description must be written using Times New Roman, font size 12, margins on the left, right, top and bottom of at least 2 cm and line spacing of 1.5.

The project description must not exceed two A4 pages (including figures, tables, etc., but excluding references). Any references or bibliography must be added in direct continuation of the project description.

The project description must explain the innovative scientific quality of the project compared to the applicant’s PhD project, as well as how the project contributes to the applicant’s scientific career development. 

The project description must also include a description of the scientific environment in which the project will be carried out, including an account of why the chosen environment is well suited to the proposed activities.

Furthermore, a description of the connection to Danish research must be included.


The budget must be uploaded using the Carlsberg Foundation's budget template. 

The budget must include the salary of the applicant. Funding for running costs (DKK 8,000 per month) is added automatically in the budget template. 

Project supplement (indirect project costs) for applicants from Danish universities:

  • Humanities and social sciences: DKK 200,000 per full-time equivalent (FTE) per year for PhD students, postdoctoral fellows and research assistants funded by the grant.
  • Natural sciences: DKK 250,000 per full-time equivalent (FTE) per year for PhD students, postdoctoral fellows and research assistants funded by the grant. 

The project supplement will automatically be added in the budget template. 

For more information on what the project supplement covers, and thus what cannot be applied for, see the full agreement on the following website: 

Link to agreement at Danish Universities

Curriculum Vitae

The CV of the applicant must not exceed two A4 pages. Please do not include photo, home address, family information, CPR no., date of birth or gender.

The exact date on which the PhD degree was obtained must be stated in the CV.

List of publications of the applicant

The list of publications must only include research that has been submitted, published or accepted for publication. 

The name of the applicant must be in bold font and the order of authors must be exactly as listed in the original publication. All co-authors must be stated. If, however, the number of authors exceeds ten, it will be sufficient to list the first ten as well as the corresponding author(s).

Housing commitment from the host institution

A confirmation from the hosting institution that it will provide adequate workplace facilities during the stay must be uploaded.


Between one and three recommendations must be uploaded or sent separately to no later than the application deadline. 

Popularised scientific description

Applicants are also required to submit a popularised scientific description in the CF-Grant application system.

The description must address What, Why and How (up to 400 characters each). This description will be published on the foundation’s website should the application be successful.


Download budget template




Please note: The foundation reserves the right to make adjustments to the guidelines.

The Carlsberg Foundation cannot offer individual guidance on projects or elements of projects before the application deadline.

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