STAY HOME. Hjemmet under coronakrisen - og bagefter

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Mette Birkedal Bruun


University of Copenhagen


DKK 6,185,758




Semper Ardens: Advance


STAY HOME: The home during the corona crisis – and after' examines how the corona crisis pressures the functions and boundaries of "home". We shall review changes, risks and opportunities inherent in this situation. Focusing on the intersections of multifunctional spaces, digital practices, family relations and existential beliefs, the inter-disciplinary STAY HOME research-team will develop research methods fit to gather, analyse and convey domestic experiences during the crisis. STAY HOME examines the home as a site where social structures and autonomous existence collide and are negotiated within architectural and digital spaces. We aim to identify risks and opportunities uncovered and created by the corona crisis, asking: What counts as a good home, when and for whom?


STAY HOME identifies, gathers and organizes insights and experiences related to the home which are important to preserve beyond the crisis – either because they are problematic or even risky or because they have an unforeseen potential for long-term advantages. The project has a here-and-now dimension in that we will preserve experience while it is close at hand. But the importance rests above all with the long-range perspective. In STAY HOME we shall harvest insights that can contribute to a human-centred organization of "home" in all its material, technical, social and existential facets.


What counts as a good home, when and for whom? are questions that demand a concerted, interdisciplinary effort. STAY HOME unites scholars from architecture, family studies, technology studies and theology for collaborative research into ethnographic archives catalogued during the first months of the crisis, including material gathered in Deltagelsens grammatik (VELUX Foundation / Winthereik & Munk), in the diary project of the National Museum (VELUX Foundation) and by crisis centres. In our analysis of this material we shall identify a cluster of common themes suited to an integrated interdisciplinary inquiry that will be conducted in exchange with ongoing research into the histories of the early modern home at the Danish National Research Foundation Centre for Privacy Studies.

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