Pandemiens paavirkning af danskernes miljoeadfaerd og holdninger til klima

Navn på bevillingshaver

Jens Villiam Hoff


University of Copenhagen


DKK 81,500




Research Infrastructure


The aim of the project is to investigate how the COVID-19 pandemic has influenced Dane's environmental behaviour and attitudes toward climate related issues. Based on comparative data from autumn 2019, the group of researchers wish to answer the following research questions: Firstly, how societal crises influence environmental behaviour and climate related attitudes. Secondly, the research group wishes to shed light on how - and if - the crisis has changed Dane's thoughts about fundamental values of life and norms of consumption. During the autumn of 2019, the group conducted a representative survey and mapped the carbon footprint of Danes. A redistribution of the survey made possible by Carlsberg would enable comparison between the two years and thereby render the effect of the pandemic.

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