Digital forskningsinfrastruktur


Bevillinger til indkøb af registerdata eller adgang til databaser, eller etablering af databaser eller tekstkorpora.


01.10.2025 - 16:00






Min. 300.000 kr.


The Carlsberg Foundation provides support for the procurement or establishment of digital infrastructure; access to databases, establishing text corpora and databases. While the Carlsberg Foundation encourages interdisciplinary research, there must be a strong humanities or social sciences aspect.


The applicant must be a tenured associate professor/senior researcher or professor employed at a Danish research institution.

The exact date on which the applicant took up their position as a tenured associate professor/senior researcher or professor must be clearly stated in the CV. The Carlsberg Foundation reserves the right to request additional documentation.


The minimum amount that can be applied for is DKK 300,000. There is no maximum amount.

It is only possible to apply for funding for access to databases, establishing text corpora and databases. 

In the case of establishing databases or similar, it is possible to apply for funding for a research assistant for up to 12 months. 

The research assistant must have a master’s or PhD degree.

The work of the research assistant must solely consist of constructing the new infrastructure, not maintaining or running existing infrastructure. However, salary for data managers, technology developers and similar cannot be covered by this grant.

CALL CLOSED Call opens: 30 June 2025 Deadline: 1 October 2025, 16:00
The guidelines have been updated June 2024

Application requirements

The application must be submitted through the CF-Grant application system.

Please note that failure to comply with the following requirements will result in an administrative rejection of the application. Please ensure that the correct type of grant is chosen in CF-Grant. Applying for the wrong type of grant will also result in an administrative rejection.

The application must be written in English.

The following appendices, and only these, must be uploaded with the application in PDF format (please note that other formats are not accepted):

  • Project description
  • Budget
  • Curriculum vitae
  • List of  publications of the applicant
  • Letters of support
  • Quotes for access to databases, etc.

Project description

The project description must be written using Times New Roman, font size 12, margins on the left, right, top and bottom of at least 2 cm and line spacing of 1.5. 

The project description must not exceed two A4 pages (including figures, tables, etc., but excluding references). Any references or bibliography must be added in direct continuation of the project description.

The project description should include a description of the digital infrastructure as well as the scientific project for which the infrastructure is essential. 

If the application relates to the establishment of a database, the project description must include a plan for further maintenance of the database, as well as an account of how the database will comply with the FAIR data principles. This includes possible incorporation into existing databases, for example at the Royal Danish Library. 


An itemised budget for the amount applied for must be uploaded using the Carlsberg Foundation’s budget template

If applying for salary for a research assistant, the employment time will include a project supplement. 

Project supplement (indirect project costs) for applicants from Danish universities:

  • Humanities and social sciences: DKK 200,000 per full-time equivalent (FTE) per year for PhD students, postdoctoral fellows and research assistants funded by the grant.
  • Natural sciences: DKK 250,000 per full-time equivalent (FTE) per year for PhD students, postdoctoral fellows and research assistants funded by the grant.

The project supplement will automatically be added in the budget template. 

For more information on what the project supplement covers, and thus what cannot be applied for, see the full agreement on the following website: 

Link to agreement at Danish Universities

Curriculum Vitae

The CV of the applicant must not exceed two A4 pages. Please do not include photo, home address, family information, CPR no., date of birth or gender.

The exact date on which the applicant took up their position as a tenured associate professor/senior researcher or professor must be stated in the CV.

List of publications of the applicant

The list of publications must first contain a brief summary of the bibliometry of the applicant, including links to relevant bibliometric profiles (Google Scholar, Web of Science, Scopus, etc.). 

Next the applicant must include a list of the ten peer-reviewed publications most relevant to the application and representative of their research career, with a few sentences explaining the relevance of each publication. All authors must be listed. 

If this is not possible due to space limitations, it will be sufficient to list the first ten authors and the corresponding author(s).

The list of publications must not exceed two A4 pages in total. 

Letters of support

A brief (maximum one A4 page) letter of support from relevant interested researchers.

These letters must include a justification of the need for the infrastructure and a description of the research project(s) which these researchers intend to carry out. 

Finally, the letter must state the number of other applications for research infrastructure that the researcher is supporting.

Quotes for databases, etc.

Formal quotes for access to databases, etc. must be uploaded.

The procurement of digital infrastructure must be carried out in accordance with the procurement policy of the research institution. The Carlsberg Foundation therefore recommends that quotes be obtained together with the institution’s procurement department.

Popularised scientific description

Applicants are also required to submit a popularised scientific description in the CF-Grant application system (up to 400 characters) in relation to their applications. This description will be published on the foundation’s website should the application be successful.


Download budget template




Please note: The foundation reserves the right to make adjustments to the guidelines.

The Carlsberg Foundation cannot offer individual guidance on projects or elements of projects before the application deadline.

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