Inequality and Shared Prosperity (ISP): The archaeology of Viking-age manorial estates

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Sarah Croix


Associate Professor


Aarhus University


DKK 236,764




Field Trips / Research Stays >100,000


Inequality and shared prosperity are among the key societal and economic challenges of the world community today, as they were for the communities who lived in South Scandinavia in the Viking age. The goal of this field project is to provide fresh perspectives on social and economic inequality in the past by excavating selected archaeological features at the Viking-age manorial estate of Erritsø, W. Denmark. A range of scientific analyses on minute organic remains will provide greater clarity on economic, cultic and social activities. As a result, a broad and heterogeneous community will come to light, shifting the gaze away from the small warrior elite, and prompting new questions on social diversity, cohesion and coercion.

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