ToSleep: Decelerative media and technologies of sleep in the everyday

Navn på bevillingshaver

Maja Klausen


Associate Professor


University of Southern Denmark


DKK 4,631,000




Semper Ardens: Accelerate


In a time where we are constantly told that the world is getting faster, ToSleep explores the role played by media in relation to sleep. The project asks how media and sleep are entangled and examines the paradoxes and ambivalences emerging in mediated sleep practices. By doing so ToSleep suggests that media might not be inherently disruptive for sleep but can also hold capacities for slow-down.


While clearly an interdisciplinary topic, research about media and sleep has been dominated by health science measuring blue light and frequency and duration of smart phone use and effects on sleep. ToSleep is a health humanities project that explores the cultural history of sleep, why people use media in relation to sleep and how media are experienced to support or hamper a good night’s sleep.


ToSleep will generate empirically grounded knowledge through interviews with 40 Danish adults about their pre-sleep practices (20 informants) and their use of sleep tracking technology (20 informants). Moreover, the cultural history of sleep in Denmark will be explored in textual analysis. Together the findings will provide knowledge about sleep as a historical, mediated and cultural practice.

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