Tools or companions? Investigating the shifting roles of artificial agents in human lives
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Malene Flensborg Damholdt
Associate Professor
Aarhus University
DKK 6,842,696
Semper Ardens: Accelerate
This project studies how humans form relations to artificial agents, such as chatbots, artificial intelligence (AI), and robots. We aim to explore when and why these technologies are perceived as mere tools or as social companions, and how human relationships with artificial agents impact emotional well-being and social behavior over time.
As artificial agents become present in everyday life, understanding the relationships people form with them is crucial. Some people form strong bonds to artificial agents. The project aims to uncover why, and the social, ethical, and psychological effects thereof. By studying these dynamics, we can inform responsible technology design and assess potential impact on human behavior and social norms.
An interdisciplinary research team carry out experimental and qualitative studies where participants interact with various artificial agents. By following these interactions over time and in emotionally charged contexts, we assess how perceptions of artificial agents evolve as either tools or companions. The findings will inform a comprehensive theory, ethical guidelines and policies.