Uncovering the origins and evolution of behavioral biases
Navn på bevillingshaver
Luigi Butera
Associate Professor
Copenhagen Business School
DKK 6,719,312
Semper Ardens: Accelerate
This project explores how life experiences shape economic decisions, especially when choices seem irrational. Early-life conditions and major life events can lead to behavioral biases, affecting financial decisions, job performance, and well-being. By studying these links, we aim to understand why some people are more prone to making poor decisions.
Behavioral biases can harm individuals and society, leading to poor financial decisions and reduced job performance. Understanding how and why these biases form helps policymakers create targeted interventions to improve decision-making in vulnerable groups. The findings are crucial for addressing inequality and ensuring people are better equipped to make sound economic choices.
The project will measure behavioral biases through large-scale surveys in Denmark, collecting data from 120,000 people. By linking these results with income, health, and life events, we can track how experiences and biases are linked and influence economic decisions. This approach helps identify which life experiences foster biases and how they impact financial and labor market outcomes over time